Pia Viana, MS, CCC-SLP
Pia Viana

Pia Viana, MS, CCC-SLP

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About Pia Viana, MS, CCC-SLP

Pia Viana is a national ASHA certified and NY state-licensed Speech-Language Pathologist with over 20 years of diverse experience, including a specialization in voice and swallowing disorders. She graduated with a Master's in Science in Communicative Disorders from San Francisco State University preceded by an undergraduate degree from Hofstra University in both Speech Pathology and Special Education. Pia began her career training at the VA in San Francisco, which is when and how she acquired her passion and experience to become a medical speech pathologist. Pia joins ENT & Allergy from Ear, Nose, and Throat Associates of NY where she started in 2009, performing FEES (Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow) and stroboscopic examinations of the vocal cordsas well as providing therapy services. In addition, Pia has been performing Restech testing since 2018, having personally trained and facilitated the testing for that practice.

While Pia primarily specializes in voice and swallowing disorders, she also has over 20 years of experience diagnosing and treating aphasia, dysarthria, medically fragile infants, nuero-muscular diseases, and cognitive-linguistic disorders. She also has years of experience evaluating and treating patients with augmentative and alternative communication devices (AAC). In addition, Pia has years of experience performing Modified Barium Swallow and has an expertise in diagnosing swallowing disorders and implementing treatment plans.

Pia has mentored speech pathologists during their Clinical Fellowships for their Certificates of Clinical Competence (CCC) as well as graduate students within the field for training. Pia was on the faculty for Contemporary Evaluation and Management of Reflux and Swallowing Disorders in 2004 following extensive training for FEESST at the Columbia University Medical Center (2002). In addition, she received training for stroboscopic evaluations at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.

Pia works diligently to stay current in the field by attending advanced practices in medical speech pathology conferences and frequently attends the annual Voice Foundation Symposium and the Sin City Laryngology conferences.

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