Greater Support for Your Health & Wellbeing

Facelifts & Aging Face

by Paul Kelly, M.D.

Fighting the aging process entails understanding what is happening to the tissues and structures of the face which makes one look older and creating a counter and equal force that re-establishes the pre-aged appearance to as near as is possible. The Doctors of Advanced Facial Plastics, a Division of ENT and Allergy have the ability to evaluate the face, and carefully discern the changes that have taken place thus far in the life continuum. They can then offer solutions to address each component of your own individual process. No two people are exactly alike.

  • A facelift is an often misunderstood procedure which was made “infamous” if you will by those who had bad ones. The pulled and stretched tight look is a look no one wants and certainly no surgeon strives to create. With the understanding of aging vectors and our newest appreciation for facial fullness, the face lift has entered into the new millennium. Gone is the pulled and stretched and here to stay the natural rejuvenated lift.
  • The procedure can be done with the patient under light sedation or with a general anesthetic. Fine incisions are hidden carefully in and around the ears with the lowest incisions camouflaged in the hair behind the ears. This approach allows direct visualization of fallen tissues under the skin, suspension of the fallen tissues in an upward vector and then careful trimming of excess or redundant skin. Our doctors’ attention to details sets us apart from the fray - incision placements and preservation of the hair and hairline create the most optimal outcome possible.
  • Post-operatively many will stay the evening in the facility and some will have small drains which will be removed the next morning prior to discharge. The after care is mostly cleaning incision sites and applying ointment to allow the skin to heal. Often your doctor will ask you to wear a sling around the cheeks and neck for a week to decrease swelling and allow best outcome.
  • The lift can provide about 7-9 years of support effectively putting you back on your escalator of aging by about the same amount of time. The procedure is not a painful one but uncomfortable for the first day or so. Your doctor will prescribe both an antibiotic for a few days and a pain medicine to be used in those first 1-2 days. After the first day most will only use Tylenol for discomfort. After the first week, the supportive bandage is worn at night time for an additional 3-4 weeks to maximize best healing.
  • Minor or mini-lifts are a variant on the theme with less work done in the neck. These procedures can be performed under local anesthesia in the office with no facility stay and often times only a wrap without the need for the small drains.
  • Schedule your consultation with one of the doctors in our division to learn which options may be best for you and your aging process. We firmly believe that aging is a privilege – but we also believe that countering that process along the way to adequately reflect your inner energy and vitality is a personal gift you deserve.

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